Due to high fulfillment strain, please allow up to 5-6 business days for shipping out in stock orders. Thank you!

Order Modification & Merging Policy

We have a small customer support team so we appreciate your patience.
If your request follows the guidelines detailed below it will be processed as quickly as possible.
You will be updated either through a manual response or with an order modification email.

Address changes

If your order has not shipped out yet an address change is always possible. Just shoot us an email by following the instructions below (under "To request an order modification") and we will update your address as soon as we can!

Order modifications

If it is a group buy order, you may add items to your order if the group buy is still on-going. Beginning (3) days before the group buy end date, we cannot remove items from a group buy order.

In the case of limited quantity group buys,

  • There will be a limited window of time in which you may modify your limited quantity order, depending on the product. This will be communicated on the product page and/or on our Discord server. After the window closes, we cannot guarantee order modifications will be honored, as the order with the manufacturer will have already been placed.

If it is an in-stock order, modifications are only possible if the product has not shipped out. If this is the case, you may add/remove other in-stock items or change quantities.

We do not guarantee a modification if the request is sent close to the estimated shipping time.

To request an order modification, you can either:
    • Reply to your order email detailing your request,
      • or
    • Email us at support@vala.supply (include your order number #)

Please always be as specific as possible. Include all relevant information such as new address, requested additions with full product name and quantities, merge request order numbers, etc.

Refund & Return Policy

If you want information on requesting a refund or return, please check our Refund & Return Policy by clicking here →